27th January

Rejoice Tyria!  Zhaitan is dead…again.

A couple of bonus screens today in honour of our victory celebration.  We had a wonderfully smooth run through Arah, although most of us are no stranger to Victory or Death, as always the loot was terrible.  Perhaps if they improved the mob drops throughout more people would run it?

Anyway, no doubt I’ll be back to visit old ‘Z’ again soon with either my engineer, necro or ranger – can I get all three through by the end of the project365?

All aboard The Glory of Tyria.

All aboard The Glory of Tyria.

Triumphant return to Fort Trinity.

Triumphant return to Fort Trinity.

Dancing with Wozmack the Wonderful's troupe of ghostly moas.

Dancing with Wozmack the Wonderful’s troupe of ghostly moas.

25th January

Forced to spend more time with Zhaitan’s personal gatekeeper, the incredibly annoying Trahearne.  At least I had the satisfaction of having the better sword, imho…

Pfft! Caladbolg, who cares.

Pfft! Caladbolg, who cares.

16th January

Back to my mesmer’s personal mission to rid the world of Zhaitan – a few merry jaunts around Fort Trinity and forays into Orr with guildies got me a little bit closer to Arah.  Didn’t see this sneaking up on me though…

