31st January – 3rd February

I don’t know why I was kidding myself into believing it would actually be possible to post one photo, every single day, for a year!  Not least because I’ve already booked to go on holiday in a couple of months and I’m fairly sure I won’t be posting from the beach/pub every day…

And then there are the unpredictable barriers, such as I’ve experienced in the last few days.  In this case, internet connection problems and a bloody-minded internet provider who insist the problem is not at their end and then manage to find a ‘miraculous’ solution.

But all that aside, I am hopefully resuming normal service as of today and I’ve provided a screenshot below for each day missed, including one for today. I’m also sticking to my pledge for February to try and break out a few of my lesser played characters.

31st Janaury – I loved levelling my necro up to 80 and played her a lot through the Tower of Nightmares content, since Wintersday she has been somewhat neglected.

Summoner's stance.

Summoner’s stance.

1st February – I know a lot of people swear by their warrior, but I just don’t seem to get it.  I enjoy her in dungeons when it’s pretty much straight forward, but after one or two runs I get bored and have to revert back to one of my other characters.  I think she suffers from having reached 80 at roughly the same time as my mesmer, who I find more interesting to play, so she tends to gather dust.  Unless I need some ascended weapon or armorsmithing done that is…

Floating Ascalon

Floating Ascalon

2nd February – I was running my second mesmer, Phizla, around Rata Sum to explore the map and I happened to stop on the upper concourse and look up.  What I love about this is the occasional flocks of birds that cut across, catching the light and changing colours as a result.

A surprise for those in Rata Sum who spare the time to look up.

A surprise for those in Rata Sum who spare the time to look up.

3rd February – So catching up to present day, another exploration with Phizla, this time in Divinity’s Reach.  She never witnessed the destruction of the Great Collapse but at least she can appreciate the beauty of the Crown Pavilion.

A district reborn.

A district reborn.