26th February

It took me just over a week to collect enough heirlooms but today I was able to get my Selfless potion.  The perfect accessory for days when I’m feeling angelic!  Hopefully I can get another heirloom stack for the Thoughtless potion, for those days when my evil twin comes out to play…

Totally angelic, or am I...

Totally angelic, or am I…

22nd February

Thought I’d better capture some pictures of the new refugee camps.  Whilst I imagine we will all be living out of suitcases for a while you never know, a fully rebuilt Lion’s Arch might be back before we know it (I really don’t see it happening, but hey it’s an excuse to take pics).

Hustle and bustle at Vigil's Keep.

Hustle and bustle at Vigil’s Keep.