April – a retrospective

I don’t have a screenie for everyday in the months that I failed to post, but I’ve gathered together the ones I had taken and put them into the Monthly Galleries. During April and through to the beginning of May my time was mainly occupied with renovation, a two week well-earned holiday in Cornwall and finally an intensive two weeks of house hunting.  As a result my in game adventures were rather limited, but such as they were…

The WvW Spring Tournament was getting under way at the start of April and so when I was able to get in game I spent much of my time roaming the borderlands or zerging round the Edge of the Mists.  I was pleased to see that two weeks of hard work paid off with both completing the meta as well as developing my skills on WvWing with my guard.

Standard day in EOTM.

Standard day in EOTM.

WvW Spring Tournament meta achieved.

WvW Spring Tournament meta achieved.

I also found a little time during April to start a new character (yes, another one…) – this time an engineer named Poppy.  She seems to like using pistols and turrets at the moment but I’m hoping to experiment with her a bit more as she levels.  She also decided early on she didn’t much care for the mohawk hairstyle.

Engi no. 2 - Introducing Poppy Speedwell.

Engi no. 2 – Introducing Poppy Speedwell.

Now which way did those pesky bandits go?

Now which way did those pesky bandits go?

What time I had left in game was often just spent admiring the scenery.

Frozen wastes of Wayfarer Foothills.

Frozen wastes of Wayfarer Foothills.